Most of these companies, shelling out MMA gear for aspiring cage fighters, pride fighters, and UFC champions are doing so under the guise that expensive means reliable.
Sometimes expensive just means expensive, but quality does not need to be expensive, and Piranha Gear demonstrates this through outstanding merchandise, personal customer service, and a comprehensive 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. No runaround, no bureaucracy, no bait and switch.
Beyond the exceptional quality of their cost friendly quality merchandise, your satisfaction is paramount. Period.
There is a whole lot of salespeople out there who want to peddle and push their wares on you without regard for what you need.
Most vendors want to sell you their merchandise more than you want to buy it.
My job's to make sure you get the right merchandise for you - along with your 10% discount.

For me, headgear, open palm gloves, and footpads. I'm not an MMA fighter, nor do I dreams of UFC, so I don't need the heavy padded shin guards, or sixteen ounce gloves. It would loo awesome to walk into a ring looking like a Spartan warrior, but unnecessary for me.
Experience martial artists know what they want, what they need, and will choose at their discretion. For everyone else, I am only an email away, or you can text my business cell and I'll be glad to help you choose what is right for you,
Remember, Piranha Gear is backed by a 100% Satisfction Guarantee, with no questions asked.
At the end of the day it comes down to simple numbers.
Do you want more, or less for your money?
Do you want to see where your money's going?
Trust in Piranha Gear. You have nothing to lose, everything to gain, and of course: satisfaction guarantee,
Dig in, and prepare for battle. Go Piranha Gear and put Bite in your Fight.
Get the best of the best Martial Arts Gear for your needs directly from Piranha Gear, and put some Bite in your Fight! Use the 10% discount code KT-74804-JHVE1Q checking out for a 10% discount!
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